Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to live with IgA Nephropathy

Once diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy, many people are eager to know how long can they live with IgA Nephropathy. In reality, no one can tell the lifespan of those patients for different individual conditions. Even though nobody can tell the answer to how long you will live, but somebody can tell you how you can live longer with IgA Nephropathy.

In order to prolong your lifespan, changes in your lifestyle and habits will make a great contribution.

Diet changes. Eat a low-salt diet to avoid putting stress to the kidneys and prevent fluid retention. Be a vegetarian is recommended. Limit the intake of potassium and phosphorus if the blood levels are elevated

Helpful Drinking. Drink three glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice every day. It aids in destroying harmful bacteria and makes your urine more acidic. Try a catnip tea enema to help cleanse your system of impurities.

Fish oil. Fish oil is found to have a mixture of omeg-3 fatty acids which contains EPA and DHA. It is the two materials which are believed to benefit the remedy of IgA Nephropathy.

Follow a suitable exercise after the doctor's instruction. Patients can do exercises such as walking, biking, swimming, golf, running, etc. At the same time, avoid strenuous sports including basketball, football, heave contact sports, etc.

Talk with your doctor. When your doctor ask “how’s everything going?”, please tell him or her all details. Some details will contribute to help your doctor managing treatment plan for you. Speak out any confusion about your disease and try to get an answer from your doctor, which will help your knowing further about the development of your renal disorder.

Herbs. Taking specific herbs that can detoxify them or act as diuretics to elevate uric acid level, so as to improve your kidneys. Useful herbs include celery, corn silk, parsley, red clover, buchu, dandelion, uva ursi and juniper berries. Consult you doctors before you take these herbs, in case that the drugs you take currently are incompatible with any of these herbs.

Mood management. Build yourself confidence in fight against IgA Nephropathy. Avoid worsening renal condition through distracting yourself with a hobby. You can develop hobby of listening soothing music, writing, reading inspirational books and walking and so on.

In conclusion, changing your lifestyle according to your individual condition and keep an eye on your daily health care, as well as follow your doctors advices carefully, you can expect a longer lifespan with IgA Nephropathy. Best wishes!

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